Fall Protection and Safety.
Falls have been known to cause some of the worst injuries and even deaths. Employers and premise owners have faced huge legal suits because of such falls. It is therefore very important that any premise that accommodates people and even animals should be safe from falling. The employees and visitors that are in your premise have a right to safe premise. They can exercise this right whenever they get any injury or if they feel they are not safe just by being there. This means that any overhead platform, elevated work station or holes in the floor should have protection around them so as to prevent accidents from taking place.
The key to avoiding any accident is to have a safety policy that adheres to the existing regulations on health and safety. These regulations will act as guidelines to show you where you need to put protection in the building like loading dock gates. For instance it would be worth noting that it makes sense to put protection when an elevation exceeds four feet. But if the place is generally dangerous such as areas near heavy machinery like conveyor belts then you will need protection around it regardless of the height. It pays to have regular checks on the protection you have provided to ensure that they are effective. You can as well have regulation authorities and consultants to come in and help to see if there are any hazards that need to be tended to.
One of the most dangerous places in a building especially one that still under construction or is of an industrial nature is the mezzanine floor. This is because many activities in this floor will involve lifting heavy objects up on to the main ground floor. There is also a risk that something may fall from the ground floor into the mezzanine floor injuring a person down there. Also if not careful a person may fall from into the floor. One good way of preventing this is to have mezzanine safety gates that will only open when necessary.
Loading docks have also been known to have this problem because of the very high elevation. Having loading dock safety gates solves the problem. The gates can be set to open automatically when loading is being done and to close whenever no activity is taking place.
Having these safety gates together with alarms that go off whenever the gates are open will ensure that the premise is free from any injuries. The workers will also feel safe since they are aware each time the gates are open and are able to take the necessary precautions.